Wednesday, 16 March 2011

I made this ATC as a memory of my childhood,dad was in the army so we travelled alot,but wherever we went my mum hung this picture(full size) on my wall and told me she was mine and my brothers guardian angel, he had the same one in his room, and despite my advancing age,or maybe because of it, i still believe she watches over me.My mum is no longer with us but i know she would be thrilled to see this,xxx


patriziawithaz said...

Thank-you for leaving a comment on my blog Georgina about whether to add that distressing or not to my card, it is much appreciated because I was worried it was too plain. While I was here I've had a look around your great work and I also want to say that I believe most definitely in Angels - we all have one x If it's okay I have also become a Follower (of your blog not of your Angel lol)x

Unknown said...

This is lovely pal and what a gorgeous keepsake for a precious memory xx

CAROL said...

Beautiful, what a lovely way to know your mum is watching over you xx